• Project 365: 03/01/11

    Jan 3, 2011

    I bought myself a Kindle for Christmas this year. I'm hoping that it'll revive my passion for reading, and prove to be a useful tool for studying on the go.

    I've found it great for reading online articles using 'article mode' in the experimental browser. It's a little painful to use the internet, but reading it is far easier on the eye.
    Kindle 3G

  • Student Tech Clubs

    Jan 3, 2011

    The new Student Tech Clubs site refresh has is in the process of being launched. By the end of January it should have better support for Chrome and Firefox (previously it flat out denied to serve you the homepage).

    You can link your Windows Live ID to your existing account now too.

    So what is it?
    Really the best way of finding out what it is is to get involved. Sign up, log in, have a go. You could meet some awesome like-minded students from anywhere around the globe and maybe make something like the next big thing.

    Join other groups, see speakers, get materials, do activities.

    You can learn, collaborate and enjoy developing some cool stuff - with links to free software to do it all with! If you've been looking for something to do with your time lately this could be what you're looking for!

  • Project 365: 02/01/11

    Jan 2, 2011

    This is the family Christmas tree, it doesn't get re-decorated every year. Just bagged up and put into the loft ready for next year. Lazy, I know.

  • Project 365: 01/01/11

    Jan 1, 2011

    What is Project 365?

    Project 365 is something anyone can take part in. Take a snap of something every day for 365 days and share them. They don't need to be brilliant, complex, have hidden meaning, or any meaning - just so long as it's one per day for 365 days. I'm doing it so I can look back, keep a record, possibly even create a more interesting side of my life this year.

    So here's my first, hopefully I'll keep it up!
    My Garden